Business Impact Estimate

Citizens of Williston:

If you are required to provide documentation from the City of Williston due to the power outages at your residence that was a result of Hurricane Debby please contact the Ms. Stacey Scarboro at 352-528-3060 Extension 125 or via email to: [email protected] to request the documentation. 

If you send your request by email please provide your Name, address and phone number.

The City of Williston is hiring! Please check the Human Resources Page for more Information.

We are working to bring better broadband to the City of Williston

Golf Cart Ordinance

We know that many homes and businesses in our community do not have access to the affordable and reliable high speed internet that they need. This is not a fast process. We should have our network design completed by the end of October, 2023. Once the design is in hand, we can submit for quotes from contractors to get it built. Once we have the quotes, we can go after grants to get it funded.

City Council Meetings are available on YouTube