The City of Williston is a community that prides itself on civic involvement and we encourage everyone to support these projects in any way possible.
Contact the Building Department for more information on any of these programs or email us @ [email protected].
Historic Plaque Program
If your property is a historic structure, or a culturally significant person or event is related to the property, you are invited to apply for a local historic landmark designation. When approved you will be presented with a Williston Historic Plaque to display on your property.
Bench Memorial Program
A Memorial Bench is a way to celebrate the life of a loved one lost or to honor a living person.
Time Capsule
Heritage Park has a time capsule built into the north gazebo. It is time to fill that capsule with items from schools, businesses, churches, local news, and whatever else the citizens want the residents of Williston to know 100 years from now. The time capsule will be lowered in the spring of 2021.
Veterans Memorial Paver
Purchase a paver and have it personalized in remembrance of a war veteran to be placed around the Veterans Memorial Park.
Storytelling Program
Do you know some who has wonderful tales and accounts about Williston’s past? Do you like to talk to groups about the “good ol days”? The Williston Historical and Beautification Committee is pleased to present a special program connecting residents of Williston with each other to pass down the charming and important history of the area and record it for posterity.